VI3 up and running with OT software

Day 4

Today de new VMware environment is running with the OT software on top. In the afternoon there was the firsts training for ATOS admins. In our project-room where we live the last days, I just show the basics of managing the environment. Different methods to access the console.

Eric, Andreas and Rudini

Eric, Andreas and Rudini. With Dutch Venco muntdrop we work here at NXP. A lot of work is on the whiteboard.

VI3 basics

Some administrators had a whole new experience. Virtual disks, RAW disks, MS clustering, Vmotion, Virtual Center, HA, DRS and so on. Tomorrow I arranged the second session. VMware Cluster is not a MS Cluster. Network must be redundant and reliable. No al problems in the IT can be resolved by virtualization. If a core-switch goes down, not alone the virtual servers are not accessible.

After delivering of the documentation and P2V the virtual Center also to the VI3, the VI3 is in production. Patching and backup solutions are also available. Good moment to drink a beer.

Day 3, Pig&Whistle. Wednesday evening, all is running

img_8455_rudini-en-eric-uit-calamba.JPG img_8456.JPG Wake up with Red Bull Jennifer, friend off Kelly from Taiwan and Eric from Calamba. Andreas and his girlfriend Kelly now live for a year in Kaoshiung.
