If you transfer from an old iPhone to a new one, the apps are downloaded from the AppStore. The problem comes when an older App isn’t in the store anymore.
I had this problem with the NEEO remote App. NEEO has sold by an other company and has stopped the updates in the AppStore. What to do?
Use imazing.com tool to extract the App.ipa from the old phone. Browse to the apps and extract to your PC.
For the NEEO App I extracted the NEEO 0.50.0.ipa for you. How to install it again on the new iPhone?

NEEO iPhone App recover (not in AppStore anymore )
● Go to installonair.com
● Upload NEEO 0.50.0.ipa file (Here)
● Mail it to your iPhone mail and install it again.
● That’s it, Hip hip, the App is there again and will find your Brain on WiFi network.
Direct to the Brain with a browser: http://<your brain ip>:3220/eui
update 81-6-2023 – Fixed the link to the ipa file! Unfortunaly this package didn’t work after trasfer to an iPhone XR of my wife. App opens and close direct. Reboot of the Brain has no effect.