Normal video recording in Oculus Quest is a square format. If you want to produce 16:9 format videos, run several scripts in SideQuest. (link: )
Install SideQuest on your PC and set Oculus Quest in Developer mode. After connecting your Quest to the PC, run an custom ADB command:
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.width 1920
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.height 1080
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.bitrate 10000000
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.foveation.level 0
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.fps 60
One by one is a lot of work so al together:
adb shell “setprop debug.oculus.capture.width 1920 && setprop debug.oculus.capture.height 1080 && setprop debug.oculus.capture.bitrate 10000000 && setprop debug.oculus.foveation.level 0 && setprop debug.oculus.capture.fps 60”
Copy and Ctrl-V in the command line (paste doesn’t work) and click RUN COMMAND.
If the headset is turn off, the settings are back to square video!