VDI connection over internet fails

Why cannot connect a virtual desktop over the internet?

Check settings in administration module off View manager. Go to VDI server and fill in the Outside URL with port number. Do not check direct access to desktop. This is your problem, because there will be not a tunnel over the VDI server.
With PCoIP you must select direct and connect with a VPN to the system.

Online Training – Configure Private VLAN IDs

If you are  interested in how to configure the Cisco Switch in order to use Private VLAN IDs. Eric Sloof has created a nice demo.

This session will show you how to configure dvPortGroup Settings and Private VLANs on a Distributed Virtual Switch and on a Physical Cisco Switch.

•This presentation will lead you trough configuring VLAN IDs at both the vSphere environment and on the physical Cisco switch.

•You’ll get a good understanding of trunking on a Cisco switch and dvPortGroup Settings.

•At the end you’re able to configure a Cisco switch using Cisco’s Network Assistant and understand the different dvPortGroup Settings.

The online training will take around 40 minutes, you can view it here:

Online Training – by Eric Sloof

Thanks to Eric Sloof

Dutch BIC2008 final

25 Jan 2008 was the dutch BIC2008 final in Soesterberg – NL. 12 Teams presented there improvements for NXP. Our dutch virtualization team was presenting the Global infrastructure on VMware in Nijmegen, Bangkok and Koahsiung. It was an exiting event. High quality projects as competitors. We did good work and the jury was impressed. We are of-course a little disappointed, when we are not one off the four teams, traveling to the European finals in Praag. Big plus: The hole management has seen the great possibilities of NXP global virtualization infrastructure.

Winner was the “check check double check” team, with a simply PIN code check in ERIC for operators to run the right recipe and beware from human vaults.

NXP Business Improvement Competition

In 2008 the VMware project of NXP Nijmegen will be one of the competitors in the BIC. The project is a big improvement for NXP and  connecting the APB and APK sites to this project they have a big challenge to come further in the competition. Alie Mulder is the project-manager of this project. January 24-26  is the Dutch final.

17-19 April is the World final in Beijing.

VMWORLD 2007 second day

One off the sessions this day was the discussion about power in the data-centers. Data-centers are build with the knowledge of the 70-80’s. Virtualisation and the use of high density blade servers now, are the reason to redesign data-centers. Even energy saving processors are not enough to decrease the powering costs of data-centers. Now the energy bill for a servers lifetime is more than the server costs.

Al Gore has done good work: Also IT is involved to decrease power consumption. Save our environment! Maybe we can heat a nice jacuzzi  with the heat off our data-centers. Or placed into the solid mountains of Switzerland powered and cooled by water.

discussion power consumption Data Centers

Opening VMWORLD 2007

The World is Flat.

Relaxed sitting in my home theater today I was live connected at 5 PM Dutch time to San Francisco, while Karthik Rau, Vice President of Marketing opens VMWORLD 2007.

Karthik Rau, Vice President of Marketing

What’s new:

  • Ultra Thin Embedded hypervisor (small footprint of 32 Mb) integrated in hardware.
  • Virtual desktop manager
  • VMware Site Recovery Manager

At the widest screen in town Diane Green, President and chief Executive Officer, demonstrates the new launced ESX3i . This Dell server (other brands are also available) with an embedded ESX hypervisor of 32 Mb placed on a flash-disk was connected by Diane live in a datarack. In about 2 minutes she connected the datastore on this server and starts up a virtual machine, running on the just installed ESX 3i server.

Dian Green shows the new VI3i

Starting ESX 3i 

Al other hardware builders like HP, IBM, Fujitsu, Dell and NEC are delivering hardware specially made for virtualization.

See mentioned Virtualization makes free money for business to invest in new innovations. 

Home theater

Flat World at home. Just ADSL of 20 MB and a beamer.  Next show 13/9  5:00 PM.

Intels Patrick P. Gelsinger, Senior VP and General Manager, shows the strategy of Intel for virtualisation. The new processors are made foor virtualisation. New features for I/O and device handling are build in.

Intel Quad Core with VTd 

Hector de J. Ruiz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AMD. The new AMD 64 bits Qoud Core Processor is announced. Do more with Less.


New processors and virtualization are saving lots of energy. The datacenter of AMD is hosted on 7 ESX server and two swinging servers. (hosting 177 virtual machines) 79% energy savings! The Green Datacenter is cumming. In 2005, 5 year later, the power-consumption of America’s datacenters are doubled.

New idea’s: virtual datacenter with hot standby datacenter.

At the end off the keynote, Karthik asked for a minute silence, remembering victims of 911.

Links: VMug 

Weer thuis

Na 16 uur! reizen weer thuis. Drie vluchten, en wachttijd later sta ik zondag 9.00 weer op Schiphol.

Een transfer in Taipei. De Jumbo naar Bangkok en Amsterdam staat al klaar.


 3,5 uur vliegen naar Bangkok. Uiteraard weer vriendelijke stewardessen en het eten werd ook snel geserveerd aan boord. Veel turbulentie en tijdens het kijken naar Fantastic 4 Silversurfer werd regematig gemeld de seatbeld aan te doen. Stewardessen die zenuwachtige heen en weer lopen en controleren. Alleen leek het niet helemaal lekker te gaan. Met de koptelefoon op merkte ik dat er mot was. Herrie in de pantry en traantjes wegpinkende stewardes (jaar of 18, maar dat kan net zo goed dertig zijn). Je zag aan de gezichten van de andere stewardessen tussen de glimlach door dat de wind eronder zat. 

Op een gegeven moment een tweede waarschuwing van de captain, dat het cabinpersonal toch echt moest gaan zitten. Niemand leek wat te merken, maar ik was voor het eerst opgewonden. De turbulentie was niet bijzonder, maar de communicatie tussen de purser (wil je niet s’nachts tegen komen) en haar personeel liep niet op rolletjes.

De landing op Bangkok vond ik ook niet bijster briljant. Als zo ‘n 747-400 van een kleine 300 ton met een redelijk klap op de grond komt en dan even lekker door de linker vering gaat en met behoorlijk bijsturen naar rechts weer horizontaal in de remmen gaat, geeft mij dat niet zo ‘n fijn gevoel. (Mij overkomt dit ook wel eens op de flightsym, maar dan ontbreekt dit echte gevoel.)

Misschien wat zijwind, maar zeker geen slecht weer of heftige turbulentie tijdens de aanvliegroute.

Blij in ieder geval, dat er een nieuwe bemanning aan bord kwam in Bangkok.